Helping Families Bring Back Bedtime
Jennifer Gilman is a certified Child Sleep Consultant from The Family Sleep Institute and a trained Good Night Sleep Site Educator. As an accomplished early childhood and elementary school teacher with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston College’s Lynch School of Education, she has extensive experience working with children of all ages. Jennifer is passionate about helping children learn and grow in the best ways they can. After becoming a mother and seeing first-hand how difficult parenting is, she realized how important it is to support mothers (and fathers!) through empathy, compassion, and helping them learn strategies and skills to become the best parents they can be.
Jennifer’s passion for sleep grew out of her own family’s experience with sleep deprivation and the success she had by working with a sleep consultant. With the birth of her first daughter, Jennifer struggled with postpartum depression (PPD) and the transition to motherhood. It took months of suffering until her new family of three fell into a routine. While addressing her PPD with professional help and creating a support network, sleep finally got a bit better after focusing on healthy sleep habits. When Jennifer’s second daughter arrived, she knew she couldn’t wait for sleep to simply get better on its own. She was proactive in setting up a better sleep schedule but didn’t realize many pieces were still missing. Things were going smoothly until her youngest started waking at 4:30 am for the day and refused to nap! After many unsuccessful attempts to remedy the problem on her own, Jennifer turned to a sleep consultant and quickly saw results. Once Jennifer’s entire family was well-rested, her passion for sleep consulting was ignited.
Jennifer was drawn to Good Night Sleep Site because of its personal approach to sleep consulting. Every client is listened to and an individual plan is tailored to their family. Since every family is different, no two plans are exactly the same. Jennifer has supported countless families in New Jersey and around the world on their journey to healthy sleep.
In her spare time, Jennifer enjoys practicing yoga, baking with her daughters, and having family dance parties in the living room.